February 10, 2011
In honor of Valentine’s Day, LCWA’s Arts and Leisure Division would like to send a virtual bouquet to the online marketing resources we can’t imagine living without: You’ve Cott MailSince the mid-1990s, arts marketer Thomas Cott has been scanning dozens of news outlets, blogs and more, and emailing a daily digest that links to a handful of timely articles about
February 2, 2011
Chicago’s Hyperlocal News Sites
At a recent media breakfast hosted by Business Wire, we had the opportunity to discuss how “Chicago’s Media is ‘Transforming’.” Here are some of the highlights. Hyperlocal-focus. News is getting hyperlocal – meaning that it’s more neighborhood and individual community driven than ever. An event that is happening in, say, Skokie may not be interesting to an editor at the
January 13, 2011
Staying Savvy: Social Media Reminders
Staying savvy about social media can be challenging when the platforms and applications are constantly changing, so it’s important to occasionally regroup and discuss best practices and tips. With this in mind, I recently attended a Publicity Club of Chicago luncheon to discuss some hot topics in social media. Here were some reminders that bear repeating: Take advantage of “geo-location” tools. This
January 6, 2011
Focus on the Basics to Improve Employee Communication
What does it take for employees to feel that the communication in their workplace is effective? After completing more than a dozen employee communication assessments in the last three years for a variety of large companies and professional associations, our research results show one thing over and over again: they just want the basics. Using advanced analyses, we’ve learned that