July 27, 2022

While we’ve all heard woes of Fido taking up too much mattress space, it turns out Americans don’t mind snuggling up with their furry friends at bedtime. In February 2022, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) commissioned a survey of more than 2,000 American adults to identify noteworthy statistics about sleep habits, and insights about sleeping with pets generated

July 21, 2022
First Alert Expert Interview Featured on ABC Utah
As a result of proactive media outreach for First Alert, a leader in residential fire safety, LCWA secured a timely interview opportunity with KTVX-TV (ABC Utah) about the importance of fire safety ahead of the Fourth of July weekend. Fires are a year-round threat. In 2020, fire departments responded to an estimated 1.38 million fires in the U.S., or about