July 22, 2013

In the Mix…Contigo Commutes in the Chicago Tribune

As a result of our efforts targeting commuters for our client Contigo, the Chicago Tribune ran a great review of its West Loop and Randolph travel mugs in last Sunday’s edition, reaching 781,324 readers. The review, titled “No Spill Travel Mugs” is posted in the Travel section and includes a picture of both the West Loop and Randolph mugs, a description
July 19, 2013

Favorite Finds

From a nationwide heat wave to airborne shark attacks, we’ve witnessed weather phenomena that have garnered lots of attention on Twitter. While perusing the Twitterverse, we’ve also learned a lot this week about how to best take advantage of social media platforms. Here are our favorite media stories and tips-based articles for the week: Social Strategy – While sales are
July 16, 2013

Interview Best Practices

Interviews are an opportunity for our clients to spread the word about their companies first hand. They are also a time when clients get to feel the work we do for them first hand, which is why attention to detail is crucial every step of the way.  We coordinate interviews for our clients every day and below are some best
July 12, 2013

Connecting with “The Second City”

Who better connects with audiences than Chicago’s renowned improv comedy troupe The Second City (where stars such as Tina Fey, Dan Aykroyd, Bonnie Hunt and Bill Murray cut their acting teeth)? That’s why our most recent Brown Bag professional development series for staff featured a presentation from the group’s Communications division, which applies its creative development process and engagement concepts