Favorite Finds

March 4, 2016
From the 88thAcademy Awards to Super Tuesday, politics dominated social media. Here are some of my favorite finds from the Twitterverse this week:
  • Political Predictions – Did Cision accurately predict the Super Tuesday results using its social media monitoring tools? Not quite, but with nearly half the states correctly forecasted, it lends some credibility to using such tools to understand the sociopolitical landscape. 
  • Oscars Drama – #OscarsSoWhite was a top trending hashtag this week, following the Academy Awards on Sunday night. Despite the buzz, brands avoided the diversity issues surrounding the show.
  • #SCOTUS Goes Viral – From House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to presidential nominee Ted Cruz, everyone had something to say about the vacant seat on the U.S. Supreme Court following the untimely death of Justice Antonin Scalia. In just one hour, President Obama’s tweet on the topic had more than 3,000 likes and 2,000 shares!
  • Politics [Not] In Print – A recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center revealed that the majority of Americans have learned about the 2016 presidential election from broadcast outlets and social media. Newspapers, however, were ranked near the bottom.
  • Trump Card – Presidential nominee Donald Trump is crushing his rivals on social media. Regardless of users’ political stance, Donald Trump is taking over social conversations with hashtags such as #TrumpTrain, #NeverTrump, #AlwaysTrump and #Trumpertantrum. Many political commentators think Trump’s social campaign may be the reason for his staying power.