Shifting Focus – Astronauts, Santa and Augmented Reality

October 6, 2017
Below are a few interesting finds to help lift your spirits during a week filled with tragedy and continuous political banter. I hope they spark your curiosity … Enjoy!
  • SURPRISE…The Holidays Are Coming – I don’t mean to cause alarm, but it was noted during a conference call this week that there were only 79 more days until Christmas. It’s just a matter of time that holiday must-have lists will be announced and reservations for the Polar Express will be booked. What’s more, the Elf on the Shelf will be making appearances and watching our every move (creepy or fun, you decide!). And when it comes to social media marketing, brands will be focused on ways to convert holiday cheer into sales. Check out what Twitter has to say about becoming a “happening brand” this season.
  • Are You Seeing This? It’s no surprise that Snapchat and Instagram continue to vie for influencers’ attention. And for the most part, it seems like Facebook is succeeding. In fact, a recent Bloomberg article suggested that platform influencers are switching from Snap to Instagram due to increased reach and opportunity. But I must say that the idea of Snap’s “Spectacles v2.0” has me intrigued. The opportunity to allow my friends to see what I can see through my glasses is something once only experienced in the movies. 
  • To Infinity and Beyond – In my humble opinion, space exploration is important not

    only to satisfy human curiosity of the great unknown, but it is also important for the future of earth and all of us living on it. October 5, 2017 marked the first meeting of the National Space Council. A statement from NASA noted that, “…NASA has been directed to develop a plan for an innovative and sustainable program of exploration with commercial and international partners to enable human expansion across the solar system, returning humans to the Moon for long-term exploration and utilization, followed by human missions to Mars and other destinations.”

  • Time to Set Your DVR – The average American watches five hours of television a day. According to the director of the Institute of Communications at Indiana University, the television experience grabs and holds your brain’s attention like a perfectly addictive drug. Our brains are hard wired to pay attention to anything that’s new in our environment. So, if you happen to hit the pause button tonight, take a look at what happens to your brain when watching the tube.

With that being said, let’s gear up for another great Chicago sports weekend. After all, there’s nothing better than a great marathon, post-season CUBS baseball and hockey.