September 5, 2017
LCWA client and local Chicago company Fibre-Craft, a leader in creative activities, has recently launched a new high-tech coloring sensation, DabitZ! The new DabitZ series, launched this August, combines innovative technology with artistic spirit to take classic coloring to new heights with “dabbing.” Starter sets come with everything you need to try this photomosaic art form and to make your
August 25, 2017
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder?
From celebrities to the sky, the world was all about the absence of color – or content – this week. As the week comes to an end, we’re bringing light to some of the “dark” events that happened. Total (Solar) Eclipse of the Heart: On Monday, a total solar eclipse enchanted the nation as the moon completely blocked the light
August 21, 2017
Fun in the Sun
The country might be buzzing about the total solar eclipse, but our obsession with social media, public relations and pop culture simply won’t be overshadowed. Here are a few recent stories that caught our eye – no special glasses required. No Points for Popularity? According to @Entrepreneur, the most important goals when meeting with a new client are to convey sincerity and establish your
August 16, 2017
Healthy Office Habits
In the office, it is easy to prioritize productivity over your own personal well-being. Even with the best intentions, this mindset can lead to high levels of stress and even damage your quality of work. Taking care of yourself will help you when taking care of business. Around the office at LCWA, we know how productivity and personal well-being go