March 15, 2018

Distilling History with Jim Beam Bourbon

This week marked a major milestone for our client Jim Beam® Bourbon, filling its 15 millionth barrel of bourbon since the end of Prohibition. The milestone barrel — a first for Kentucky distilleries — was personally filled and sealed by Seventh Generation Master Distiller Fred Noe and his son Freddie Noe, Eighth Generation Beam Distiller, at the brand’s flagship distillery
March 14, 2018

Rejuvenate Puts Cleaning to the Test at IHHS

Click, clean and go! That was the mantra echoed by one of the nation’s leading floor care innovators, Rejuvenate, during the 2018 International Home + Housewares Show in Chicago. LCWA helped client Rejuvenate debut its Click n Clean™ Multi-Surface Spray Mop System to both media and show attendees. Unlike ordinary mops, the new Click n Clean combines the proven cleaning
March 13, 2018

You Always Need a Plan

Recently we attended the Public Relations Society of America Chicago(PRSA) monthly luncheon about crisis communications. The panel of seasoned professionals provided many tips and insights from personal experience about surviving and navigating a crisis, and was a great reminder to dust off the crisis plan and be prepared for the next time you need it. Have a Plan The most
March 9, 2018

“Holiday” Celebrations and New Words for Your Conversations

The web was certainly poppin’ this week with Popcorn Lover’s Day taking place yesterday and people sharing their thoughts on the newest words to be recognized in the English language. Here’s a roundup of all my favorite things from the week:  Food lovers rejoiced as we celebrated National Oreo Day on Tuesday, National Cereal Day on Wednesday and Popcorn Lover’s