August 16, 2017

Healthy Office Habits

In the office, it is easy to prioritize productivity over your own personal well-being. Even with the best intentions, this mindset can lead to high levels of stress and even damage your quality of work. Taking care of yourself will help you when taking care of business. Around the office at LCWA, we know how productivity and personal well-being go
August 14, 2017

The Tease for TV Producers

Last week I attended the Publicity Club of Chicago (PCC) monthly luncheon featuring a panel of four Chicago morning TV producers: Scott Doll, executive producer of NBC Chicago Adina Klein, senior segment producer of FOX Chicago Tyra Martin, segment producer of WGN Morning News and People to People Rebecca McCann, morning executive producer of CBS Chicago The panel provided many
August 11, 2017

Tips for Media, Measurement and Managing People

Lollapalooza – staged right outside our door – is already a memory, and Chicagoans have enjoyed lovely weather this week. The forecast on social media is cloudy, with a chance of politics. I’ve selected my own favorite finds from a different sphere:  PR Daily shared a blog post that highlights some fundamental elements of media relations work that are not
August 7, 2017

Taking Office Fitness to a New Level

Leading up to and throughout the months of summer, healthy living is a popular topic among many who want to up their exercise regime and be more conscious of eating habits. While striving for a healthier lifestyle is a positive thing, it’s often difficult to achieve – especially if you work a full-time job! For this reason, we deployed the