April 29, 2015

Eureka Brushroll Clean Gets Techies Talking

After months of preparation, the LCWA home products PR teamhelped Eureka officially launch the Eureka Brushroll Clean last week – their newest vacuum model featuring innovative self-cleaning technology! Within hours, tech media were already abuzz online with comments about the latest release in two great write-ups. CNETassociate editor Ry Crist posted an article on the vacuum and Brushroll Clean Technology,
April 28, 2015

“Designing” Successful Market Coverage

While football fans count down to Super Bowl and movie buffs obsess about the Oscars – for design aficionados, there’s no bigger event than High Point Market. Twice a year, the sleepy town of High Point, N.C., comes alive with furniture makers, designers, taste makers and media – all on the hunt for the latest trends and fabulous finds. This
April 24, 2015

Favorite Finds

This week I read a lot of articles via Twitter about how to help brands gain visibility online. The communication vehicles we use are always changing and I’m grateful to have helpful resources via Twitter to navigate the field! Mobilegeddon Motivation – In case you haven’t heard, Google now favors websites with mobile capabilities or responsive design over desktop-only sites.
April 22, 2015

Brushing Up on Business

Last week I attended a PRSA Chicago event led by Matthew Ragas and Ron Culp to talk about their book, “Business Essentials for Strategic Communicators.” The topic was basically a business 101 for PR professionals. As they reviewed their top 10 tips, I was proud that my teams already are doing a lot to keep up with our clients’ business. I