Recent insights from LCWA

May 20, 2013

In the Mix…Twitter Parties Encourage Consumers to Give the “Gift of Time”

To support the launch of Frigidaire Professional’s sleek, time-saving kitchen countertop appliances at Target, we’re taking to Twitter to encourage consumers to give the “gift of time” to moms, dads, grads and newlyweds this spring. We garnered excellent engagement with consumers by hosting two Twitter parties on wedding and Mother’s Day gifting, which generated 4,300 tweets and more than 27
May 17, 2013

Favorite Finds

It’s been a gorgeous week in Chicago, but like the weather here, the Twittersphere is volatile.  Here are some favorite finds from the past week: Today’s Customer– This insightful article stresses the existence of varying paths to purchasing a product and reminds us that real human experiences remain paramount in providing customers “complete context” for them to make a purchase
May 10, 2013

Favorite Finds

As technology and social media evolve, it’s exciting to figure how PR will change too with the new trends.  This week, there were many celebrated successes as brands capture more consumer attention via digital means. Here’s a quick look at a few of them: Tablet Takeover: How many of you now use your tablet as your go-to digital device? Our
May 6, 2013

In the Mix…Contigo Celebrates Teachers

When kids have great teachers, we all win – which is the premise behind our client Contigo’s “Thank You, Teachers” sweepstakes. In anticipation of the upcoming Teacher Appreciation Week, Contigo is asking its Facebook fans to celebrate all the special teachers in their life by nominating a teacher for a chance to win a prize pack of Contigo products for