Recent insights from LCWA

May 22, 2012

In the Mix…LCWA Helps Lincoln Park Community Shelter Fight Homelessness

The LCWA team recently donated time to help the Lincoln Park Community Shelter (LPCS) on its annual Metamorphosis Party, an evening dedicated to creating hope and change for Chicago’s homeless. From drafting materials and driving awareness to managing photos of the event, we were thrilled to play a role in raising funds for this wonderful organization. Held at Architectural Artifacts
May 18, 2012

Favorite Finds

With all the news about the Facebook IPO this week, you’d think it was the only current event!  In between stories of stocks and shares, we found some other interesting headlines. Following are a few of our favorites: Pinterest Power: Companies are getting good at Pinterest and early case studies are beginning to emerge. Headlines Make Headlines: In a world
May 18, 2012

LCWA Goes “Virtual” for NATO Summit

Chicago will take center stage this weekend as leaders from around the world gather here for the NATO Summit. But with train schedule changes, heightened security and potential protests outside our front door, the LCWA office may be a challenge to reach on the days surrounding the summit. That’s why LCWA is going “virtual” and allowing employees to work from
May 16, 2012

In the Mix…Pergo Makes Flooring Easy as Child’s Play

March and April were big months for our client Pergo, which was featured in two popular magazines for parents. The new PERGO MAX collection, which combines superior durability and outstanding wear-resistance, was highlighted in photo spreads in both Parenting (2.2 million readers) and Baby Talk (2 million readers). Inclusion in these top-tier publications positions Pergo as the ultimate kid-friendly flooring choice for consumers –