Recent insights from LCWA

March 28, 2012

In the Mix….What’s Your Magic Number?

If you’re like most Americans, chances are your New Year’s resolution already has fallen by the wayside. But just in time for spring cleaning, our client has launched a goals tool to help you start fresh and organize your life. The LCWA team began work last week on the official launch of this virtual life coaching site that’s designed
March 27, 2012

Helping Clients Transition to Facebook Timeline Brand Pages

One of the most exciting facets of social media is the challenge to stay up to date. The buzz of the month has been the switch to Timeline for brand pages, which will happen on Friday. While there is a lot of available information about the changes, there aren’t a lot of tips specifically for PR managers. Here is a
March 22, 2012

In the Mix….LCWA’s Triple Threat in All You

LCWA was a triple threat this month, landing three clients in the All You March reader giveaway. As a result of what we refer to as “piggy-back pitching,” we were able to secure inclusion in the “home and cleaning” category for Eureka, Pergo, and our new client All three are featured on the magazine’s website and in its e-newsletters,
March 19, 2012

In The Mix…Bringing Clean Water to Needy

Did you know that nearly 900 million people have no access to clean, safe drinking water? Fortunately, a remarkable filter adapted from kidney dialysis technology now brings clean water quickly and inexpensively to those people who so desperately need it. And our client Sawyer® Products, the company that makes the filter, just launched a campaign to enable Americans to help