July 12, 2013
Stay tuned for a post from Gary about our LCWA staff Brown Bag Lunch and Learn session earlier this week with Second City Communications, which was full of valuable insights and lots of laughs.
All of the kidding around didn’t stop us from scraping the web for the very latest social media tips and trends however. Here are this week’s Favorite Finds:
Instagram: I lead the arts division at LCWA, so this new online guideon building an Instagram community that thrives, published by the National Arts Marketing Project and American for the Arts, immediately grabbed my attention. But I’m sharing it here because it includes “aha moment” case studies and tips that will benefit any social media marketer, arts or not.
America’s top brands: Quick, name your state’s most famous consumer brand. Don’t know? Here’s a fun, informative mapcourtesy of Gizmodo.
Social media: Are you legendary on LinkedIn? Talented on Twitter? A Prodigy on Pinterest? Don’t be shy. Nominate yourself, or someone you know, for the new reality TV show Social Media Allstars. Click here to sign up for the Casting Call.
Facebook: Privacy settings are complex and seem to be ever changing. If you’re concerned about who sees what on your Facebook feeds, Mashable.com posted new tips for how to lock down your privacy settings.
Fingerprint IDs: Fast Company reports France is rolling out new fingerprint ID scan payment technology on mobile devices. Meanwhile, Apple is considering adding fingerprint scanners on new iPhone models, too.
I give that innovation a four-finger Vulcan salute!