July 11, 2014
Here are some of our favorite reads from this week:
- Navigating Facebook Changes: The changes to Facebook’s algorithm’s caused huge declines for business page impressions. This infographic shows what the changes mean for brands.
- The Journal at 125: Lots of great stuff from the Wall Street Journal as it celebrated its 125th anniversary this week, including this look back at it’s first front page.
- Get Followed: Back to basics with many of these tips, but it’s good to remember that there are no better ways to gain Twitter followers than to provide great content and engage with those who interest you.
- Stress Busters: PR can be one of the most stressful jobs around. But if you get tempted to cut back on sleep to deal with it — don’t!
- Best of the Taste: As locals with an office view of the festival, we are ready to try the best the Taste of Chicago has to offer. So a little research was in order for the weekend!