September 30, 2014
One of the ways we help to tell the story for some of our clients is to create in-person experiences where media, customers and other stakeholders can interact with the brand in a meaningful setting. Earlier this month in South Carolina, we did just that with our client Trex. During a two-day open house, we assisted with tours throughout a
September 26, 2014
Favorite Finds
Here are my favorite finds from a busy internet this week: #FreeSimmons: More fun sports news. After sounding off against the NFL commissioner in a profanity-laced outburst during his ownpodcast, ESPN sportswriter Bill Simmons was suspended for three weeks – a week longer than Ray Rice’s original punishment (!). The public viewed this suspension as yet another major screw up
September 22, 2014
Life Fitness Announces The Top 10 Personal Trainers To Watch Finalists!
We helped our client Life Fitness announce the top 10 Personal Trainers to Watch finalists last week. These elite finalists span the globe, representing five continents and six countries. The 10 finalists were chosen out of more than 1,700 nominations from 43 countries and will compete in a live global competition on Oct. 17, in New York City at DavidBartonGym.The
September 19, 2014
Favorite Finds
Fall is approaching and as the leaves start to fall, we raked in some of this week’s top communications news! Below, I rounded up some of my favorite finds from the week. Scots Vote on Independence from the UK – It has been building for months, and this week Scotland is finally voting on independence from the UK. While it has