June 26, 2015
- Instagram Update – The latest improvement includes updates on the Explore page, featuring curated sets of photos based on individual tops as well as dedicated pages for trending topics and places. Check out PR News’ recommendations for how to use Instagram hashtags in brand campaigns.
- It’s a Match! – OkCupid, Match.com and Tinder have gotten together and decided they all want the same thing – to be one big happy family. As of later this year they will be listed on the public stock exchange as “The Match Group,” formerly acknowledging that the online dating industry is stronger than ever.
- Wiki News– This week The New York Times reported that Sunshine Sachs—an agency specializing in celebrity PR and crisis communications—paid editors to alter clients’ Wikipedia pages – violating Wikipedia’s terms of service. The clients included Campbell, Mia Farrow and Sarah Brightman. PR News puts out the question about the effect this has on our industry.
- Remember Clippy? – The Microsoft Office character which was so familiar to many – and greatly despised – might not have made it if Microsoft had listened to focus groups. The documentary Code: Debugging the Gender Gap uncovers how the women addressed Clippy’s overall “creepiness,” which was ignored back in 1996, as well as other diversity issues in the tech industry.
- Google Cars Hit the Road – The Google Self-Driving Cars are now on the roads in California driving at a “neighborhood-safe” 25 mph. Google is even taking advantage of this to receive some feedback from other drivers on their website where you can learn more about these cute cars!
- Poop Poop Platter? – Disney is gaining attention for their newest treat that you can buy when visiting the Animal Kingdom – chocolaty treats shaped like animal dung. It currently comes in four different species: giraffe, elephant, hippo and tamarin.