October 23, 2015
This week LCWA made waves in media and Chicago PR circles, while blockbusters from 30+ years ago swept social media. Check out my favorites from the Twitterverse this week:
- Big Screen Blasts from the Past – Remember back in the early eighties when American culture went crazy for Yoda, Jedi knights, time-traveling cars and big haired girl rock bands? Oh wait, that was this week… It all started on Monday when the highly anticipated Star Wars #TheForceAwakens trailer released to the tune of 17,000 tweets per minute and 4.1 million views nearly overnight. Then we went #BacktotheFuture on Wednesday with major media outlets including “Today” and USA Today analyzing the movie’s predictions about our 2015 lifestyle (read here why it killed on social media). With all this buzz, it was easy to miss the crickets that welcomed the not-outrageous “Jem & the Holograms” remake. Tough week to be an 80’s remake flop.
- Happy #HyrbidDay – With all the pop-culture observances this week, we decided to throw our own into the mix. If you missed our team’s creative and crazy social blitz for the launch of client Snow Joe’s new hybrid gas and electric snow thrower, check out content highlights with Snow Bro here.
- Selfies of the Future – 2016 could be the year selfies get a practical purpose. Mastercard is currently running a pilot program for “Selfie Pay” technology that would allow customers to authorize transactions using photos of themselves instead of passwords.
- Duck Tails for Tots – Parents of young children this week may have noticed the PR push from Cartoonist Brian Gordon for his Fowl Language comics. Sites like Upworthyand Buzzfeed posted rounds ups of his best depictions of life with young ducklings and, let’s be honest, it got real very fast for those of us with three year olds.