April 22, 2016
- This is a nice article about using LinkedIn to its full potential. The stats about the number of decision makers using the platform are compelling, and it’s well written. The title is deceptive.
- “Did you get my email?” and six other questions that “drive journalists bonkers” – recommended reading for anyone pitching but, presumably, not needed for good PR practitioners.
- For something different, how about one of these funny children’s picture books? A few of the ones listed look pretty adorable, especially President Squidand There’s a Giraffe in My Soup.
- Calling all Kimmy Schmidt fans! According to this infographic on changing media consumption, “70% Americans binge-watch television content, viewing an average of five episodes at a time.”
- “It’s alright…” The Saved by the Bell-themed restaurant opens in Chicago this June!
Have a good weekend!