September 7, 2018

· Insta Shopping – Instagram is considering another new app – this time IG Shopping – that would let users browse goods that they would be able to purchase directly from the app. Currently, more than 25 million businesses already have Instagram accounts, and nearly two million advertise on the platform. Additionally, four out of five Instagram users follow at least one business. Instagram has declined to comment on any specifics thus far, but definitely something to watch!
· Fowl Play – At the U.S. Open this week, a woman was caught dipping her chicken finger into her Coke. This has led to mass controversy on whether this is a “sin” toward the chicken finger or the soda, including some suggesting she should “go to jail” for such an offense. You can decide for yourself after watching the ESPN clip here.
· College Influencers – The latest way to help with college tuition is by being a social media brand influencer. The New York Times found the number of college students who are also brand influencers is steadily increasing. Victoria Secret, for example, has ambassadors at more than 100 campuses, and Virginia Tech estimates more than 1,000 students are being paid to promote products on campus. That can certainly be a nice resume-builder!
· Gone Viral – Lindsey Lohan is making waves this week – all the way in Mykonos, Greece. The actress shared a video that an onlooker posted of her dancing, saying #DotheLilo. This has since gone viral with people recreating her dance. Here’s to Lindsey jamming out in Greece, check the video out yourself or even recreate it!