May 11, 2022

LCWA was once again included in the O’Dwyer’s ranking of independent PR firms. Gaining recognition as one of the top independent agencies in the nation is an important measure of our status in the industry. We are ranked 5th nationally for the Home and Housewares category. We are proud to work with some of the top home brands in the

January 4, 2022
PRGN Awards Cap an Excellent Year
LCWA closed out 2021 with more awards on behalf of our clients First Alert and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). In the tenth year of the Public Relations Global Network (PRGN) Best Practice awards program, LCWA was honored with four prizes for campaigns that showed strategic thinking, creative ideas and outstanding work. First Alert Wins Consumer Communications Category

July 26, 2021
LCWA Wins Three “Awards of Excellence” at the PRSA Chicago Skyline Awards
Three very different and successful LCWA campaigns were honored by the PRSA’s Chicago Skyline Awards earlier this month, when work for Trex, First Alert and the AASM received “awards of excellence” from the esteemed organization. Trex Trex’s Brand Ambassadors Inspire Consumers to “Do It” campaign was awarded in the Influencer Marketing category. The campaign drove awareness and engagement by partnering

June 18, 2021
LCWA Wins Top Technology Award from Publicity Club of Chicago
Getting the right amount of healthy sleep is important for students of all ages to be healthy and successful. That’s the main message LCWA and client AASM conveyed via media, partner organizations and online during Student Sleep Health Week in 2020. The campaign, which leveraged influential students, parents, coaches and teachers online to drive conversation, was the winner of the