January 15, 2018

Living Your Best Life with Electrolux

Today’s world of public relations is growing rapidly, extending far beyond traditional media relations and writing press materials. Working with social media influencers to share their stories and integrate our clients’ brands into their lives has become a large part of what we do as PR professionals. That’s why, for our longtime client Electrolux, we established an influencer program spanning
January 12, 2018

Put Your Best Face Forward…

The weather is all over the place and a little out of control, but thank goodness we have Oprah Winfrey to make us feel better about our future… She killed it: In case you live under a rock, the Oprah Winfrey received the Cecil B. de Mille Award at the Golden Globes this past weekend, and her acceptance speech was
January 9, 2018

Turning Reams into Dreams with Boise Paper

Our client, Boise Paper, partners with many organizations to make a positive impact on the community. The company works with the General Mills Box Tops for Education™ program to help students and parents across the country earn money for their schools to purchase essential items, such as books, art supplies, sports equipment, instruments and more. As the exclusive office paper
December 22, 2017

These Are a Few of Our Favorite (2017) Things

Tis the season for end of year recaps that wrap up another year gone by. Here are a few of my favorite roundups from 2017: Top Ten Times Brands Nailed it on Twitter – Who can forget Carter Wilkerson’s viral plea for a year’s worth of Wendy’s chicken nuggets, or KFC’s response when a Twitter user realized that they only