October 6, 2017

Shifting Focus – Astronauts, Santa and Augmented Reality

Below are a few interesting finds to help lift your spirits during a week filled with tragedy and continuous political banter. I hope they spark your curiosity … Enjoy! SURPRISE…The Holidays Are Coming – I don’t mean to cause alarm, but it was noted during a conference call this week that there were only 79 more days until Christmas. It’s
October 4, 2017

Celebrate IN GOOD TASTE This October

LCWA client and local Chicago non-profit the Lynn Sage Foundation is raising awareness this October for breast cancer research as it celebrates the 10thanniversary of the IN GOOD TASTE Campaign. The Lynn Sage Foundation’s IN GOOD TASTE campaign brings together more than 170 of Chicago’s top restaurants and bars to raise awareness and support for local breast cancer research during
September 27, 2017

AASM Offers Online Bedtime Calculator to Help Families #MakeTime2Sleep

LCWA is a proud partner in the National Healthy Sleep Awareness Project, along with client the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), the CDC, Sleep Research Society and others. One of the project’s goals is to increase the amount of people getting the recommended hours of sleep for their age. That was the objective behind this summer’s #MakeTime2Sleep campaign, which
September 25, 2017

Back-to-School Tips Everyone Can Appreciate

We kicked off back-to-school season with an engaging social sweepstakes on behalf of our client, Boise Paper. In order to enter, we asked people to give us their best back-to-school tip. This generated a lot of insight to share with Boise Paper’s followers throughout August and September. The sweepstakes, hosted on Facebook, garnered a great response in engagement, exceeding our expectations