December 18, 2012
Over the last month, we assisted client UnitedHealthcare of Illinois, a corporate sponsor of Chicago Welcomes Home the Heroes, spread the word about a two-day series of events to celebrate the service of thousands of veterans of the U.S. Armed Services since 9/11. The events included a parade on Saturday, Dec. 15 along Chicago’s signature parade route down Columbus Drive.
December 14, 2012
Favorite Finds
The second week of December was all about the number 12 – well and a few other numbers too. We tweeted about numerology, 2012 highlights and tips for a better social you in 2013. Check out some of our favorite stories below: Top Twitter Topics of 2012: Reminisce with us about the year that flew by with Mashable’s Top Twitter
December 12, 2012
In the Mix…Paramount Theatre’s Annie a Hit with Families and Animal Lovers Alike
Aurora’s Paramount Theatre is winning the hearts of generations with its current smash hit, Annie. In addition to spreading the word about this wonderful show, we are also helping Paramount build awareness for its unique community relations efforts associated with everyone’s favorite rags-to-riches musical. First, click thisrecent feature in the Aurora Beacon News, a holiday heart-warmer about actor and professional
December 7, 2012
Favorite Finds
The first week in December included news that will shape the future of social media – from digital presidential announcements to Google, Facebook and Twitter battling it out to be the number one social media network. Check out some of our favorite stories below: The 144 Character Press Conference: President Obama forwent the old-school press conference and announced via Twitter Debbie Wasserman