Recent insights from LCWA

April 12, 2012

In the Mix…The Inside Scoop on Outdoor Living

Interesting statistics and anecdotes can be effective ways to capture media attention. Just in time for outdoor living season, the LCWA Research Group conducted a survey of 1,000 US adults on behalf of our client Trex. This survey explored consumer preferences about outdoor living products and delved into how people like to spend time outside during warm weather. Among the
April 11, 2012

In the Mix… to Show “Better Living” on TV

Let’s face it – we’re all busy, and we’re all looking for ways to simplify our lives to live better. Our client – a site that helps users take control, achieve more and love life – will participate in the “Better Living for Busy Women” satellite media tour this week. Personal health expert Patricia Stark will offer tips on
April 6, 2012

Favorite Finds

We are launching our new feature: “Favorite Finds,”  where we will share some of the interesting, thought provoking or just entertaining PR and social media articles we stumbled across this week. Enjoy! How and why to use embeddable tweets.  The different “influence” tools and a comparison on which measures what.  Cash Mobs – the latest in local retail traffic driving. Will all-you-can-consume
April 2, 2012

LCWA In the Mix…Pergo “Floors” Facebook

LCWA launched the Pergo Facebook page to take advantage of all of the great new Timeline features and highlight the brand’s history as the inventor and innovator of the laminate flooring category. Timeline’s focus on photos is perfect for Pergo’s beautiful lifestyle images that showcase a wide variety of ultra-realistic laminate flooring décors. We look forward to helping Pergo to