Recent insights from LCWA

April 8, 2020

Educating and Engaging Consumers with Influencer Deck Builds

Influencer marketing has changed the way people shop, and it’s a trend that’s here to stay across all industries – especially in the home space. When it comes to renovation and décor, consumers are looking to trusted influencers with hands-on product experience for recommendations. That’s why our PR program with Trex, the world’s leader in wood-alternative decking and railing products,
April 2, 2020

The Prescription for Pitching Healthcare Stories

Recently, the LCWA healthcare team participated in a luncheon hosted by the Publicity Club of Chicago entitled, “Rx for Healthcare Media,” where some of Chicago’s leading healthcare journalists discussed how to stand out in Chicago’s competitive healthcare market and gave PR pros insights into working with journalists during the COVID-19 pandemic. The panel included Scott Becker, publisher of Becker’s Healthcare;
March 25, 2020

Forging Ahead

The last few weeks have been unlike any others. We are all grappling with the reality that the COVID-19 pandemic is going to disrupt our lives and plans for the foreseeable future. Though stressful, maintaining our work on behalf of clients brings us a sense of normalcy. LCWA service continues uninterrupted for our clients. Here’s how we’re working through it:
March 19, 2020

Making the Most of Working from Home

I’ve spent a lot of time working remotely, and suddenly, most others in our office are doing the same. While the short commute and lack of distractions are great, it can also be isolating and hard to collaborate. Here are some of my tips for starting a work from home routine that keeps you happy and productive. Stay on schedule.