
October 28, 2016

Favorite Finds

Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs, Cubs… Oh. I’m sorry. My bad. I was just reminded I’m supposed to recap this week’s Favorite Finds. You know. To demonstrate how LCWA is constantly on top of what’s hot. What’s trending.   So here goes: Cubs, Cubs, Cubs,
August 5, 2016

Favorite Finds

With political conventions behind us and the Olympics ahead, this week was the relative calm between storms on social media. But that doesn’t mean it was without buzz. Here are a few of my favorite finds from the past week: ·         Let the (Sponsors’) Games Begin. With the opening ceremonies happening today, everyone is getting excited for a summer Olympics that is
June 30, 2016

LCWA Takes PRSA Skyline Awards

Earlier this month, members of the LCWA team gathered at the Chicago Cultural Center to receive more awards for our recent PR campaigns! Our teams were honored for work on behalf of clients Trex, Snow Joe and theAmerican Academy of Sleep Medicine at the Public Relations Society of America(PRSA) Chicago Skyline Awards. We enjoyed the chance mix and mingle with
April 15, 2016

Favorite Finds

This was a busy week out there in social land! People were talking about all sorts of news and useful tidbits such as the new Facebook roll outs and Goodbye to Kobe. Amid all the chatter, I found some golden nuggets to share with you. Here are my favorite finds: Pay Up – Spring is in the air and everyone