
February 22, 2011

Part Two: A PR Practitioners Guide to the New Facebook Pages

As I mentioned in my post on Friday, Facebook recently announced several changes for “pages,” which take effect on March 10. In addition to revisions to the page aesthetics and functionality – Facebook also created additional opportunities for organizations to interact with their fan base. These are my favorite new features, and ones I feel will really help to further
February 18, 2011

Part One: A PR Practitioner’s Guide to the New Facebook Pages

Many public relations professionals are managing brand pages and helping to “own” the social media sphere for their clients, so it’s especially important that we adapt to the new changes Facebook announced last week, and understand how it affects our pages. Here’s a sampling of what you need to know about the changes (effective March 10, 2011): Posts will no
February 2, 2011

Chicago’s Hyperlocal News Sites

At a recent media breakfast hosted by Business Wire, we had the opportunity to discuss how “Chicago’s Media is ‘Transforming’.” Here are some of the highlights. Hyperlocal-focus. News is getting hyperlocal – meaning that it’s more neighborhood and individual community driven than ever. An event that is happening in, say, Skokie may not be interesting to an editor at the
January 13, 2011

Staying Savvy: Social Media Reminders

Staying savvy about social media can be challenging when the platforms and applications are constantly changing, so it’s important to occasionally regroup and discuss best practices and tips.  With this in mind, I recently attended a Publicity Club of Chicago luncheon to discuss some hot topics in social media.  Here were some reminders that bear repeating: Take advantage of “geo-location” tools.  This