
June 20, 2019

How to Maximize Influencer Content

Influencer partnerships have become a staple of many public relations campaigns, providing an effective way to promote product, increase brand awareness and generate authentic, engaging content. In fact, influencer-generated content (IGC) has proven to drive consumer engagement and sales. Here are just a few statistics that demonstrate why your brand needs to make the most of its IGC: Eighty-four percent
May 16, 2019

Eyeballs for Eblasts: Creating Attention-Grabbing Enewsletters That Drive Clicks

How many emails do you get in a day? If you’re anywhere close to the average American professional, the number typically hovers around 100-150. When it comes to launching an enewsletter or “eblast” campaign, it’s important to keep this reality in mind. According to Constant Contact, the ideal open rate for enewsletters is around 15%, and for many industries such
May 7, 2019

Creating a Winning Broadcast Segment

Securing a broadcast segment is a big win in the PR world. Broadcast television is a great way to deliver messages to a wide audience in a short amount of time. Keeping it visually compelling, identifying strong spokespeople and staying on message contribute to the success of the coverage. There are plenty of tips and tricks to keep in mind
April 18, 2019

Tips for a Successful Twitter Chat

Coordinating a Twitter chat is a great tactic to generate online conversations about your client and its campaign. Based on your goals, chats are good for driving clicks to landing pages, increasing social followings, promoting new products or services, highlighting spokespersons and more. LCWA’s social media teamregularly coordinates successful Twitter chats for clients in numerous industries, accomplishing a variety of