“e-nough alre@dy!” Employees Waste 70 Hours Per Year on Email

June 25, 2012

Where does the time go? Employees waste 20 minutes a day on bad emails.  That’s 4,250 wasted minutes – or 70 wasted hours – per year! Time is money, and every day employees unintentionally waste time on irrelevant, excessive or unclear emails – but at what cost? According to our 2012 Work-Related Email Perception Study, employees spend nearly 20 minutes a day on emails that are irrelevant to their work.

Depending on the size and structure of your organization, email misbehaviors can cost your company thousands of dollars annually. Get a quick look at the amount of money bad emails cost you every year by taking our Email Diagnostic online or stopping by booth #108 at the IABC World Conferencetoday.  All you’ll need is the number of employees, supervisors and managers in your organization.

Interested in a more personalized evaluation of your organization’s work email policies? Email me at htarr@lcwa.comto discuss our proprietary LCWA Email Dxsurvey solution.

*based on research by LCWA Research Group and The Grossman Group, a communications consultancy