Building Buzz for Baby Blocks

May 13, 2014

On behalf of client UnitedHealthcare of Ohio, LCWA secured a live, in-studio interview on WKEF-TV (ABC) in Dayton for the Baby Blocks program that’s designed to help address infant mortality in the state – Ohio ranks 48th in the nation. In the segment, Judy Karpinski, associate clinical director for UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Ohio, described how the innovative Baby Blocks program rewards expectant and new mothers who are fully engaged in prenatal health and attend essential doctor visits pre- and post-delivery. The online, interactive incentive program is available at no charge to UnitedHealthcare Medicaid beneficiaries who enroll using their computer or smartphone. Since its launch, more than 1,000 babies in Ohio have been born to program participants. Additional media coverage is pending to help spread the word about this innovative program.