Favorite Finds

October 31, 2014
Happy Halloween! This week was full of tricks and treats. Following are just a few of the stories we collected in our treat bag:

  • Too Soon?!: Nothing was scarier this week than the continued concern and coverage of the Ebola crisis. In the spirit of the season, a British nightclub decided to host an Ebola-themed Halloween partycom

    plete with biohazard décor and bartenders dressed in hazmat suits. Following backlash from the public and media, the profits from the event are being donated to charity and the bar owners are under self-imposed quarantine.

  • Fanatical Fans: San Francisco Giants fans upheld two baseball traditions this week – winning the World Series in even-numbered years and setting the city on fire in celebration.


  • Royal Tweets: Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II dipped a toe into 21st-century communications when she posted her first tweet during an event at the Science Museum in London. The inaugural tweet was posted to the official British monarchy Twitter feed under the Queen’s official handle @BritishMonarchy.
  • Power Couple: IBM announced a partnership with Twitter to help shape business decisions using data collected from tweets worldwide. Together, the powerful duo will help businesses predict trends in the marketplace as well as consumer sentiment about products and brands, and consult with businesses on the best use of Twitter data.
  • Is He Nuts?!: John Oliver, host of HBO’s comedy news show “Last Week Tonight,” aired a hilarious but thought-provoking segment emphasizing just how much sugar Americans consume and what it does to our brains. In lieu of communicating in grams, Oliver suggested the use of Circus Peanuts as a more relatable way to translate the amount of sugar in foods, and urged viewers to show their support by tweeting using #showmeyourpeanuts. In the few days since the “Sugar” episode aired, the hashtag received more than 8,500 online mentions.