July 24, 2015
Summer’s in full swing, and social media news continues to stay hot. Here is round-up of stories that I found most interesting this week:
- YouTube On the Rise – YouTube’s first report on branded content yielded some interesting info, including the fact that monthly views of branded content are up 55 percent since last year. In addition, Google announced that YouTube is now bigger than any individual U.S. cable network for the key demographic of 18-49 year olds.

- Where’s my Wallpaper? – Pandemonium resulted from Twitter’s redecorating of users’ home pages, notifications and timelines – with individual wallpapers disappearing with no notice.
- It’s All Political – The Donald continues to make headlines – and stir up trouble for Republicans – with his brash comments, including his criticism of Arizona Senator John McCain. And in response to Mr. Trump giving out his personal cell phone number, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham made a YouTube video in which he destroyed his cell phone.
- Power of Apology – Mitsubishi made a long-awaited apology to survivors of its POW camp, the first private company to do so – prompting questions of if corporations will follow suit.
- Battle of the Stars – Several celebrities made headlines by duking it out on social media this week. Popular battles included Nicki Minaj vs. Taylor Swift on Twitter – which was joined by a number of other celebrities – and Scottie Pippen vs. Shaq on Instagram.