September 28, 2015

In the Mix…De-Cluttering The Garage for National Clean Out Your Garage Day!

Most homeowners know the feeling: with the summer season winding down and cooler temperatures setting in, a random assortment of junk has piled up in the garage. This year, the LCWA home products PR team helped combat “seasonal garage disorder” with our client The Lehigh Group by promoting National Clean Out Your Garage Day on September 12. This annual observance
September 25, 2015

Favorite Finds

So much good insight amidst a week of big news! Here are my favorite finds from the week in PR headlines … and a few non-work related articles, too! An insightful article advocates for continued emphasis on earned media relations in conjunction with integrated content marketing and “brand journalism” of the day. Here’s a “bottom line” for clients: it’s cost-effective
September 21, 2015

In the Mix…AASM Helps Ring the Bell on School Start Times

This back-to-school season, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) partnered with the Centers for Disease Control to promote the CDC’s recently announced recommendation to push back school start times. The announcement garnered significant interest from media outlets across the country, and AASM spokespeople were available to reiterate the importance of sleep for adolescents with priority media contacts. In addition
September 18, 2015

Favorite Finds

From new Facebook features to tips on improving writing, this week’s Twitterverse featured several helpful tools for both journalists and PR practitioners. Here are my favorite finds for the week: Facebook Launches Signal: Facebook has launched Signal, a new tool that help s journalists find and curate stories on FB and Instagram. Survey Says: Although most CEOs understand and appreciate