September 18, 2018

Talking Shop (Photoshop That Is)

The lines between forms of communication are blurring, and design technology is more accessible than ever with programs like Canva and Photoshop. Consequently, PR and marketing professionals are finding design to become an increasingly necessary skill. Recently, members of our Chicago PR team attended a workshop held by the American Marketing Association which highlighted a few high-level design concepts. Looking for a design refresher? Here
September 14, 2018

A Week of Remembrance

 It has been a week of remembering the past while looking toward the future. People have come together in times of crisis, becoming stronger together. Here are a few stories from the past week: Chicago Remembers 9/11 – 17 years after the tragic events in New York City, people around the country have been sharing memories of 9/11. Back in
September 7, 2018

Influence and Controversy

While the week was short, we still had plenty of trending news to keep us busy on social! Here are my top picks from this week: ยท         Insta Shopping โ€“ Instagram is considering another new app โ€“ this time IG Shopping โ€“ that would let users browse goods that they would be able to purchase directly from the app. Currently,
September 4, 2018

Shorter Name, Bigger Audience

Our client, the Urgent Care Association of America (UCAOA) recently changed its name to the Urgent Care Association (UCA), and the organization is leveraging the rebranding as an opportunity to engage and expand its membership base. Just like its industry, the UCA is evolving, offering education, networking opportunities, advocacy, tools and connections for an ever-growing array of on-demand healthcare providers.