January 22, 2013
Just in time to help with summer outdoor living projects, LCWA and Trex hosted a series of “deck-side” meetings in New York City. Over the course of two busy days, we met with 11 editors to show off Trex’s latest products – from decking to railing, furniture, lighting and pergolas – and brainstorm possible partnerships. Editors loved Trex’s inspirational imagery
January 18, 2013
Favorite Finds
It’s been anything but a slow week when it comes to sports PR. From Lance and Oprah to Te’o, there’s been plenty of reading and discussions to keep us busy. Luckily some other topics got through as well! The Te’o Hoax: Lots of great stories out there about Manti Te’o and his role in the hoax of his “girlfriend’s” death.
January 16, 2013
In the Mix…New Year, New Legislation
As a part of our work with client First Alert, the LCWA team is tasked with helping to raise awareness about new legislation as it pertains to fire and carbon monoxide safety. In early 2013 two West coast states – California and Washington – enacted legislation to further the level of carbon monoxide protection. The LCWA team has been proactively
January 11, 2013
Favorite Finds
January is off to a busy start at LCWA! This week, articles focusing on career improvement piqued our interest the most. But never fear, we also got our social media fix! Here are the stories that caught our attention: A Career Boost. This no-nonsense list on 10 ways to advance your PR career in 2013 doesn’t mince words. My three