Recent insights from LCWA

April 27, 2010

Insights into the Suburban Media Market

As a mid-size firm in Chicago, we are constantly challenging ourselves to enhance our knowledge and expertise of the Chicagoland area and Midwest region for our more than a dozen regional-focused clients. So when I had a chance to attend the Publicity Club of Chicago’s luncheon on “Solving the Suburban Media Market,” I jumped at the opportunity to hear from
April 22, 2010

Tricks of the Trade (Show)

Working with media at trade shows is ever-evolving, and I have been struck by the evolution of social media at recent shows. Social aspects are quickly outweighing the traditional methods of working with media. Here are some ways to use social media during trade shows: Tweet early… We have had great success using Twitter and Facebook to schedule several media
April 6, 2010

Cover Letters in a Casual, Digital World

As intern coordinator, I love spring and with it the influx of resumes and cover letters from summer intern candidates. Notice that I said “cover letter.” In this fast-paced, digital environment, some may consider the cover letter a relic of a bygone era. Not me. When evaluating a seemingly endless flow of potential candidates, I look not only for resumes
April 1, 2010

LCWA Wins Two PCC “Golden Trumpet” Awards

Looking at my posts during the last month, it’s clear that good things come to LCWA in twos! Two new clients, two clients on the “Today Show,” and now — two award winning campaigns. I’m proud to announce that two of our 2009 programs have won prestigious “Golden Trumpet” awards from the Publicity Club of Chicago! The team for the