Recent insights from LCWA

January 3, 2019

Celebrating the Decision to #ChooseSleep with the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Recently, LCWA’s healthcare PR team a completed a campaign to help our client the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) promote the sleep medicine profession and emphasize sleep medicine fellowship training programs. The #ChooseSleep campaign ran during the time when doctors who have completed a medical residency were going through the fellowship matching process, with an emphasis on choosing a
December 20, 2018

Tricks of the Trades

While coverage in a big-name media outlet will always be a huge win, a feature story in a niche trade publication can be just as valuable – if not more so – to a client’s bottom line. Like all earned media, trade publications offer exposure and powerful third-party endorsements. Furthermore, trade outlets reach highly targeted audiences, including key decision makers
December 17, 2018

Holiday Home Safety with First Alert and The Marc & Mandy Show

The gift of home safety will always be in style, so to help share this timely reminder with consumers LCWA’s home PR team set out to land high-profile coverage for our client, First Alert, to round out the year. As a result of our proactive pitching efforts in Canada, our team was able to secure a great opportunity with The
December 13, 2018

Three Tips for Creating Video Content on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has long been a platform for work-oriented and business professional people. The social media website originally launched in 2002 as a way for working professionals to connect and network with others. Today, it is a massive social media tool that is vital to professional networking, recruiting, sales and much more. Like Facebook and Instagram, advertising and sponsored promotions on