April 19, 2018
LCWA recently launched a campaign to help the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) reach dental students in order to educate them about dental sleep medicine and encourage them to enter the field. Nearly 30 million U.S. adults suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a potentially life-threatening disorder, and there is a growing need for oral appliance therapy –
April 13, 2018
What’s Next for Zuckerberg and the Royal Family? Among Other Things…
I must admit that some news went unnoticed by this writer this week as I tuned in to Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony before Congress. And while I may not have heard all 10 hours of questioning from the almost 100 lawmakers, one thing was clear: both sides have a lot of homework left to do when it comes to privacy,
April 10, 2018
You Always Need a Plan
Last week we attended the Public Relations Society of America Chicago(PRSA) monthly luncheon about crisis communications. The panel of seasoned professionals provided many tips and insights from personal experience about surviving and navigating a crisis, and was a great reminder to dust off the crisis plan and be prepared for the next time you need it. Have a Plan The
April 6, 2018
Time for Spring(ish) Cleaning
Spring has not yet fully sprung in Chicago, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do a little cleaning out. Here is a hodge-podge, or perhaps a junk drawer, of interesting stories I collected this week to share with you. Enjoy! Let’s Get Down To Business: First some industry updates – a recent surveyof top communication professionals revealed which issues, strategies