October 5, 2020
While our client First Alert, the most trusted brand in fire safety, works hard year-round to educate others about the importance of smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) safety, First Alert’s mission becomes increasingly important come Fire Prevention Month in October. Throughout the month, fire departments, nonprofit organizations and other safety advocate come together to educate the public about the importance of
April 2, 2020
The Prescription for Pitching Healthcare Stories
Recently, the LCWA healthcare team participated in a luncheon hosted by the Publicity Club of Chicago entitled, “Rx for Healthcare Media,” where some of Chicago’s leading healthcare journalists discussed how to stand out in Chicago’s competitive healthcare market and gave PR pros insights into working with journalists during the COVID-19 pandemic. The panel included Scott Becker, publisher of Becker’s Healthcare;
May 2, 2019
How to be the Greatest Trade Showman
In-person, hands-on interaction with media at trade shows can offer invaluable relationship building and product education opportunities. And planning ahead ensures that every opportunity is capitalized on, to rise above the clutter for a memorable experience and media coverage. Reach out before the show. Most trade shows will provide contact information for registered media in advance. Even if they don’t, reach
September 28, 2018
Brand Makeovers and PR Pointers
This week featured several major brand makeover announcements as well as some interesting and helpful marketing tips for PR practitioners. Here are some of my favorite finds: Hello Dunkin’, goodbye Donuts – Dunkin’ Donuts made its rebrand official on Tuesday, shrinking its name to just “Dunkin.” Fun fact: the brand had been credited with popularizing the word “donut,” instead of