March 16, 2015
On the heels of daylight saving time on Sunday, March 8, LCWA client the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) declared Monday, March 9, the second annual Insomnia Awareness Day – reminding those who suffer from chronic insomnia that help is available from the sleep team and an AASM-accredited sleep center. As a result of LCWA’s outreach, our sleep experts
January 15, 2015
UCAOA’s Survey on Industry Growth Leads to National Coverage
LCWA client the Urgent Care Association of America recently released its annual Benchmarking Survey, which shows major industry-wide expansion. As a vital part of the health care landscape, these results indicate that the urgent care industry continues to experience significant growth, as customers demand a smart place to go with non-life threatening conditions. National media agreed that this was an interesting and important
November 11, 2014
Urgent Care’s Response to the Ebola Scare
Last month, as news of the Ebola virus in America spread, everyone – including media – was wondering: how is our healthcare system preparing for this threat? And part of that — what if someone with Ebola symptoms walked into their neighborhood urgent care center? Luckily, the Urgent Care Association of America was there to provide guidance to its members and
October 28, 2014
AADSM Takes a Bite Out of the Big Apple
This month LCWA took two board members from the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) through the offices of influential health media to introduce editors to a surprising solution to treating sleep apnea – available from a dentist! More than 25 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea in the U.S. and an estimated 50 percent of those diagnosed can’t