
April 4, 2019

How to Create the Perfect Spokesblogger Campaign

As this industry (and the world) continues to progress in the digital age, influencers are being tapped more than ever by brands to help share their key messages, build awareness and generate sales. While the industry is ever-evolving, there are definitely dos and don’ts that will stand the test of time. I’ve worked with influencers on a variety of campaigns
March 28, 2019

Leading Effective Conference Calls – Grab your pen and paper!

We work with clients and partners across time zones and continental divides, but even if you spend the majority of your work day talking with people within feet of you, some good conference call tips may someday be helpful. Our client and partner projects often necessitate formal conference calls with far-flung individuals who work together to achieve a shared goal
March 18, 2019

Lessons Learned from a 5-Year Public Awareness Campaign

Over the last five years, I have been honored to be a part of the National Healthy Sleep Awareness project. The project was a collaboration between our client, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Sleep Research Foundation (SRS). This project has included multiple public awareness campaigns to help elevate the awareness
March 14, 2019

Tips for a Perfect Press Release

A press release is still an essential PR tool. From announcing a new product or service to expanding knowledge about a brand, press releases have remained a mainstay of journalism, even in the age of social media. When journalists’ inboxes are filled with press releases and news tips, make your press release standout by using the following tips: Press Release