
September 7, 2011

The Role of Focus Group Moderators

Moderating a focus group is no easy task – it takes a lot of training, preparation and skills practice. Focus group moderators are charged with gathering opinions, feedback and thoughts from people in order to help understand a specific issue or topic. Here are some essentials for leading a successful focus group. Create a comfortable environment. Moderators must create an
July 28, 2011

Weathering a TV Shoot

As storms rolled through the south last month, I rolled into Arkansas, prepared to weather an HGTV show taping with a client. Taped television segments come with their own set of benefits and challenges – there is the added control of being able to say “let’s take that again,” but also the added nerves that come with presenting the same
July 13, 2011

Summer’s Must-See Movie

As is often the case, the trailer duped me. I expected Andrew Rossi’s documentary Page One: Inside the New York Times to be about the paper’s juggling its traditional role as the gold standard of U.S. print media in the face of increasing use of social media. The film touches on the issue, but it is so much more and
July 7, 2011

With Media Training, the Mission is Still the Message

In this day of smart phones streaming video, bloggers with flip cams and 24/7 cable news shows, have we become such savvy consumers of media that we respond instinctively with a good sound bite when given the chance? Not necessarily. From the media training sessions we conduct regularly at LCWA, it’s clear that the ability to deliver the right message