To find out just how Americans utilize (or under-utilize) their garage spaces, the LCWA Research Group executed research on behalf of client The Lehigh Group, makers of Crawford-brand garage organization products. The findings? Seventy percent of Americans use the garage to store potentially dangerous equipment, while nearly 60 percent store flammable liquids as well as other dangerous chemicals in their garage space. Considering that only 27 percent of Americans report feeling confident that their garages are “very organized,” this can spell safety hazards. LCWA pitched these findings to priority media, as part of the annual National Clean Out Your Garage Day program, which has gained significant media coverage – including a story about winter garage prep with syndicated Philadelphia Inquirer writer Alan Heavens. The story garnered significant print pickup, including placements in the Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun, Hartford Courant, Florida Times-Union, South Bend Tribune and numerous other daily newspapers – reaching more than 3.7 million readers around the country who now look to The Lehigh Group and Crawford for their garage organization needs.