September 5, 2017
LCWA client and local Chicago company Fibre-Craft, a leader in creative activities, has recently launched a new high-tech coloring sensation, DabitZ!
The new DabitZ series, launched this August, combines innovative technology with artistic spirit to take classic coloring to new heights with “dabbing.” Starter sets come with everything you need to try this photomosaic art form and to make your own masterpiece. DabitZ is inspired by the painting technique called Pointillism, but users don’t need to be talented artists to “dab it up.” Starter sets include templates called DabDesignZ, and the free DabitZ app can transform any picture into a template design as well. Simply take a photo, create a template, print it and dab it up!
LCWA has helped to lead a flurry of activity surrounding the official DabitZ launch, from the official release, to developing a feature story which has received pick-up nationwide, including in the LA Times, Houston Chronicle, Chicago Tribune and The Baltimore Sun.
As we head into September, LCWA coordinated a co-op SMT just in time for back-to-school season! DabitZ was touted as a wonderful, creative addition to after-school activities, and the SMT was booked on more than 19 affiliates nationwide.
Our PR push will continue to build as we work with social media influencers to raise awareness of this new and fun activity. We look forward to continuing to work with Fibre-Craft as “dabbing” becomes the newest trend. Get yours in time for National Coloring Day on September 14!