December 17, 2019

To drive awareness of this issue, we worked with AASM to craft and distribute a press release on the findings and conducted media outreach. Additionally, LCWA also coordinated distribution of a feature release to increase awareness in communities nationwide.
These findings on what binge-watching does to sleep secured coverage with several national outlets, including: Atlanta Journal Constitution, Philadelphia Inquirer, MSN, Southern Living, Medscape, New Hampshire Union Leader, Thrive Global, WebMDand Yahoo! Lifestyle. Conversation continued on local television and radio stations across the country, including: KMSP-TV (Minneapolis), KTVU-TV (San Francisco), KUSA-TV(Denver), KYKY-FM (St. Louis, Mo.), WLS-TV(Chicago) and KTHV-TV (Little Rock, Ark.). Overall, initiatives to highlight the impact binge-watching has on our sleep earned more than 372.3 million impressions.