December 19, 2019
LCWA facilitated a new partnership with the Little Village Boys & Girls Club – not a far drive from North Riverside Park Mall – to help kids celebrate and fulfill Christmas lists this holiday season. North Riverside Park Mall hosted a special shopping event for 15 club members between the ages of eight and 13, providing each with a $200 Visa gift card to use at stores of their choosing throughout the mall. Most these children don’t often have the chance to pick out toys and gifts on their own, so this was a very special occasion for all involved.
In addition to shopping, the mall prepared a festive ornament-making craft, treats from local merchants and personalized photos with Santa! LCWA distributed a customized media alert and worked with Chicago’s ABC 7 to have the entire event captured and showcased as a Chicago Proud segment on the 10 p.m. nightly news.
Check out the Chicago Proud clip here. Happy Holidays!