November 11, 2016
Wow! What a newsworthy and history making week for America, and if for some bizarre reason you hadn’t heard yet… The results are in – No matter what whirlwind of emotions you’re feeling about the election results, the coverage of this year’s election had America on the edge of their seats. After a long night of results coming in and states
November 4, 2016
Favorite Finds
This week saw the greatest thing to ever happen to the city of Chicago – a Cubs World Series Championship. But we’re also in for another whirlw ind week as the 2016 election nears and the media landscape continues to shift. Here, then, are my favorite finds of the week. The goat is dead – Fans celebrated across the world
April 15, 2016
Favorite Finds
This was a busy week out there in social land! People were talking about all sorts of news and useful tidbits such as the new Facebook roll outs and Goodbye to Kobe. Amid all the chatter, I found some golden nuggets to share with you. Here are my favorite finds: Pay Up – Spring is in the air and everyone
April 10, 2015
Favorite Finds
A mostly rainy week has finally turned to sunshine in Chicago, and the wild weather was matched by a week of wild online stories. Here are some of our favorites from the week. Mad Lessons: Sunday was bittersweet, as “Mad Men” returned but for the final time. This article cataloging client lessons from the show was a work-oriented way to celebrate