Recent insights from LCWA

January 10, 2013

In the Mix…A Healthy Start to the New Year!

LCWA is proud to announce the addition of Life Fitness, a global leader in commercial fitness equipment manufacturing, to our client roster!  We kicked of our relationship this week, when we helped Life Fitness get blood pumping with an exciting announcement for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).  As the first fitness equipment manufacturer to open portions of its product platform
January 9, 2013

Research Advice in Forum Magazine

Heidi Tarr Terlap and I co-authored the cover story in the current issue of the Association Forum of Chicagoland’s Forum magazine. “How data can help you shatter performance plateaus” is a quick review of the researcher’s toolkit and how it can be used to guide successful organizations. As we note in the article, “the most forward-thinking organizations leverage research techniques
January 4, 2013

Favorite Finds

Welcome to 2013! Resolutions and advice were everywhere this week as we all strive to start the year off right. Here are some of the pieces that stuck with us. Stick to Resolutions. Did you make New Year’s Resolutions? So did we! Check out these tips from to stick with them. Stop Stressing. Military, firefighters, airline pilots…PR executives? Once
December 21, 2012

Favorite Finds

Although the year is winding down, and many are already vacationing for the holidays, our Twitter stream was as active as ever this week. Here’s what we liked: Snow, no?: Here in Chicago we were in a snow drought until today… 290 days without snow!  Welcome, winter wonderland. Brands beware: Sometimes a well-intentioned hashtag campaign goes wrong – sorry for Starbucks, this