June 7, 2013
Happy Friday! This week brings a competitive edge to the world of social media – from challenges posed to existing platforms by new ones entering the game to personal vs. virtual wedding planning. Here are our favorite media stories for the week: Let the Battle Begin – Soon to be a trending hashtag, #GameofConesis a collaboration between HBO and Foursquare that
April 23, 2013
In the Mix…AADSM Works to Stop Snoring
Our client the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) is educating consumers about the dangers of snoring, which can indicate serious health problems such as sleep apnea. LCWA worked with AADSM to coordinate stories on a little-known snoring and sleep apnea treatment provided by dentists – oral appliance therapy. Real Simple and WomansDay.comrecently ran articles on snoring remedies that
February 15, 2013
Favorite Finds
From politics to love, the Twitterverse was full of partisan affairs, heartbreak and romance. Here are a few of our favorites from this week: Digital Love abounds in celebration of Valentine’s Day. Even when it isn’t the holiday of love, people often communicate with their significant other through cyberspace. Twitter’s new video sharing app, Vine, offers brands innovative ways to
December 7, 2012
Favorite Finds
The first week in December included news that will shape the future of social media – from digital presidential announcements to Google, Facebook and Twitter battling it out to be the number one social media network. Check out some of our favorite stories below: The 144 Character Press Conference: President Obama forwent the old-school press conference and announced via Twitter Debbie Wasserman