September 25, 2015

Favorite Finds

So much good insight amidst a week of big news! Here are my favorite finds from the week in PR headlines … and a few non-work related articles, too! An insightful article advocates for continued emphasis on earned media relations in conjunction with integrated content marketing and “brand journalism” of the day. Here’s a “bottom line” for clients: it’s cost-effective
August 29, 2014

Favorite Finds

It’s the last week of summer, so to speak, and the news pipeline has been filled with summertime fun and a constant flow of social media and communications insights. Here are some of my favorite finds from the week. Happy Labor Day weekend! Celebrating our National Parks – The White House helped spread word of the National Park Service’s 98th birthday via Twitter, reinforcing
June 20, 2014

Favorite Finds

It’s been a stormy week in Chicagoland, but the climate has been more temperate on Twitter the past several days. Here are some of my favorite finds: Founder and Brand Identity – This insight from on leveraging a company’s founder for brand identity is particularly interesting given the American Apparel news this week. The 10 Percent Rule– Millennials are
February 25, 2014

Safety Meets Style

SLast year, our client First Alert introduced a new series of smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms that blend sleek, modern design with maximum protection. To generate awareness and word-of-mouth for these stylish new alarms, we seeded them with well-known interior designers and encouraged them to try them out in their design projects. As a direct result of this outreach, First Alert was selected by celebrity